New Insurance Credentialing Service
After requests from numerous providers we are happy to announce that we are now offering an insurance credentialing service. If you have held off accepting patients from certain insurance companies because you are not in-network with them and you fear the hassles of getting set up as a network provider, let us handle the worries for you.
If you are currently set up individually but tied to an old group you were associates with but now you are on your own and need to get set up with your new practice information we can handle that for you also.
Here's how it works. You complete the form on our website: You may have to provide us copies of relevant documents (such as state license or malpractice insurance or driver's license) but we will advise when necessary.
For some payers we can do everything online. For other payers we may have to print out the required forms and send to you to sign and submit.
- The fee is $399.95 per payer.
- HOWEVER, for clients of our Premium, PremiumPlus or Platinum Services, we offer a reduced fee of $199.95 per payer*.
- Upon completion of the form referenced above you would be invoiced 50% of the fee per payer.
- Upon payment from you of the 50% deposit we would begin the work with credentialing with the payer.
- The remaining 50% is not payable until after the payer finalizes the credentialing. If a payer denies your request for credentialing for any reason (for example, they have too many providers in your specialty in your area), you only pay the 50% deposit and are not responsible for the balance.
Feel free to contact us with any questions about this new service.