New Server Passwords Required
This notice is only for those providers who access our Medisoft Network. We will be switching to a new, faster server in the next few weeks.
As part of this change, we will be setting up users brand new with higher security requirements for passwords.
Therefore, if your office currently connects to our Medisoft Network, you should log into our Support Suite and submit a ticket with new server passwords for each server login you currently have. Make sure you list the Server login and then the Server password you are requesting. The Server password must meet the following requirements:
- Minimum of 6 characters
- At least 1 capital letter
- At least 1 lower case letter
- At least 1 number
- At least 1 special character
Again, please submit a ticket with your current Server login and the requested new password for each login your office has.
There will be NO changes to the Medisoft logins and passwords.
The new passwords will NOT take effect until we notify you of the change to the new server. You will keep using your current password until notified otherwise by us.