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Submit Large Attachments to the Support Suite via Email - News / General - Medical Billing Professionals Support Suite

Sep 28 2016

Submit Large Attachments to the Support Suite via Email

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As a follow-up to the News item regarding the max size of attachments being 10 MB to tickets, there is a workaround that does allow for submitting larger attachments.

Providers may submit a ticket with a large attachment (max size 25MB) via email under the following conditions:

  • The attachment MUST be password protected.
  • If you do not have the ability in your PDF program to password protect a document, you can do so quickly and easily for free online at
  • You can then send an email to  You MUST use this email address for submitting a ticket with a large attachment.
  • You CANNOT use this method of submission if you also have to enter confidential information in the body of the message (for example, you submit a ticket indicating that John Smith has new insurance information and you attach all of your billing for a date).
    • As a work-around for the above, you can submit a ticket via email with the large file attached and indicate in the body of the message something like "Billing for September 28, 2016)".
    • If you then also have to provide confidential patient info pertaining to that ticket, you can log into the Support Suite, locate the ticket and reply with the needed info.
  • Providers should not try to submit a ticket by submitting an email to our primary email address. 
  • This method of ticket submission is ONLY if you are submitting a ticket with an attachment between 10MB and 25MB.  Otherwise, providers should log in to the Support Suite to submit any ticket.

