Medisoft Version 21 Complete
The Medisoft Version 21 is complete. Providers can again connect to the Medisoft Network.
Below is some important information about Version 21:
Encoder Pro: Do to a licensing conflict between e-MDs (owner of Medisoft) and Optum Health (owner of Encoder Pro), an updated version of Encoder Pro is not available as part of Version 21.
- However, at least temporarily we do have Encoder Pro being available on our network within Medisoft.
- It must be understood that this version of Encoder Pro does NOT have the updated ICD10 codes that went into effect October 1, 2017.
- Version 21 does include a new ICD10 Lookup Tool. However, we see that this new tool is not working due to a javascript error and we are not sure when it will be fixed.
- In the meantime, for ICD10 lookup we suggest providers access
We will send more info about other new features (AutoRemind patient appointment reminders) and Online Patient Scheduling when we have more info about these services.