Report Missing ERA Files in Payment Manager
As we previously advised, Change Healthcare had a problem in mid to late April with Payment Manager. We were advised once the access problem was fixed that they were going to do a refresh of all our client Payment Manager accounts so any ERA files missing from Payment Manager would then appear. It appears, however, that they have not done the refresh as instructed.
Instead, what we have to do is report one or two missing ERA files per each of our clients and have Change Healthcare then do a refresh.
Therefore, if you have access to Payment Manager and know some ERA files are missing from April (probably around April 20th through the 25th), please report only one or two missing files to us (do not at this time report all missing files; please report only one or two).
Please complete the Missing ERA File form at Again, only complete one or two forms. AND REMEMBER only list EOBs you have received from payers for whom you have received ERA files in the past (do not list any EOBs from payers that do not offer Electronic Remittance Advice).