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Revenue Performance Advisor Unable Due To CyberSecurity Attack - News / General - Medical Billing Professionals Support Suite

Feb 24 2024

Revenue Performance Advisor Unable Due To CyberSecurity Attack

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Revenue Performance Advisor Unable Due to CyberSecurity Attack

  Earlier this week we sent notice to our TherapyNotes users about how ERAs could not be downloaded and claims were being held in a queue by TherapyNotes because of a cybersecurity attack on Change Healthcare.

  NOW for our providers who are not using TherapyNotes (or where we do not submit your billing in TherapyNotes) Revenue Performance Advisor has been disabled by Change Healthcare due to this cybersecurity attack.

  What does this mean for our non-TherapyNotes clients?

  1. We will be unable to submit any billing until the issue has been resolved and we are able to submit claims via RPA.

  2. We will be unable to download ERA files for posting payments until the issue has been resolved.

  3. We will be unable to see any rejected claims.

  4. You will be unable to access RPA to view claims, EOBs and rejection reports.

PROVIDERS SHOULD CONTINUE TO SUBMIT BILLING TO US.  We will continue to enter all charges so once the issue has been resolved (there is not estimated time for it to be fixed by Change!) we will be able to easily submit claims for our clients.

Thanks for your understanding.