TherapyNotes Users and Missing ERAs
TherapyNotes has just posted information on its Blog regarding the missing ERA files since Change Healthcare went down. See below:
" We had our Change Healthcare conference call today to discuss bringing Change Healthcare services back online. The news was bleak for the services that apply to us. At this time they are asking everyone to move to yet another clearinghouse that they own. Unfortunately we have very little confidence we will ever see any ERAs for past claims that were submitted to Change Healthcare. At this time we don’t anticipate utilizing any Change Healthcare services moving forward, including Optum iEDI or Change's eligibility services "
Although we have enrolled most of our TherapyNotes clients to receive many ERA files the past couple of weeks via Availity, there are still many, many missing EOBs that have to be posted. And based upon the above, TherapyNotes will not be able to provide the missing ERA files since Change went down on February 21, 2024.
Providers therefore must pay attention to the memo we sent last week about sending us EOBs. A few highlights:
You can submit a ticket with a maximum of 5 EOBs per day.
The EOBs are to be scanned to a PDF file with all pages in order. Do NOT use a mobile device to take pictures of the EOBs but use a stand alone scanner or a multi function machine.
Do NOT send any EOBs that have already been posted in TherapyNotes (for example, by the ERA files we obtained via Availity and uploaded). You can check the ERA History under All or you can check Payments under Billing or you can check one patient on each claim to see if payment was already posted for that patient for that date.
Do NOT email the PDF. Remember to log into the Support Suite to submit a ticket and attach the EOBs.
We are also obtaining ERA files from other sources like Echo Health, Zelis, Optum Pay and Payspan which reduces the number of EOBs you have to send to us.
It is imperative that every office send us EOBs per the above every day. It will take a LONG time to manually post all of the EOBs, but we do need these in order for us to follow up on your claims under the Platinum Service. If you do not send any EOBs that are missing, then we can only follow up on claims that deny in error and we cannot follow up on open claims.